Vážení a milí studenti,
toužíte po dobrodružství a po kvalitním vzdělání? Katedra architektury vám nabízí studium a exkluzivní smlouvu s Fakultou architektury a urbanismu, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, a to na jeden až dva semestry (všechny potřebné informace k podání vaší přihlášky prostřednictvím katedry jsou v příloze). Studium probíhá ve španělštině, zkouška z jazyka se však nevyžaduje. Katedra architektury může úspěšným uchazečům zajistit soukromé stipendium na letenku a ubytování ve výši 50000 Kč. Studium v Chile je na základě naší smlouvy zdarma.
Buena suerte,
Mikuláš Hulec


Dear colleagues from our partner universities overseas,

Greetings from Santiago, we hope you are well. We are very pleased to announce the start of the application process for the Exchange Program at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanismo, University of Chile, for the next academic period: March – July, or March – December 2021.

Application procedure
Step 1. The host institution must nominate their candidates by sending an email to movilidadestudiantil@uchilefau.cl with the following information about each student:
Step 2. Candidates must go to the following link, and login into the system (with a gmail account) to begin the online application:
The candidates must complete the online application and attach the following documents (“.pdf” format):
1_Personal Statement (in Spanish or English, 500 words approx.)
2_Portfolio (do not exceed 10MB)
3_Official Transcript of Records (signed by the home institution)
4_Copy of Passport
5_Digital Photo (size 240×320 pixels, white and plain background, face frame only as passport photo coverage area, this document must be “.jpg” format, minimum 1,000KB)
6_Copy of Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish (OPTIONAL).
Step 3.The candidates must complete a preliminary registration of courses in the following link:

Deadline: November 25th, 2020

In case the students need more time to fulfill the application please let me know.

Considering the health contingency, International Students Mobility will depend on the decisions made by the University of Chile and the Chilean Government to ensure the safety of the community. According to this, to guarantee the quality of the teaching-learning process, the faculty is planning to provide a mixed model of face to face and online courses. We will be updating the information on the basis of any change in the evolution of COVID-19 in our country.
Thank you very much for your support.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or concerns.
Marion Reininger
Coordinadora de Movilidad Estudiantil
Dirección Académica y de Relaciones Internacionales
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Universidad de Chile
Portugal N° 84. Santiago de Chile
CP 8331051
T +562 2978 3124
E movilidadestudiantil@uchilefau.cl