Vážení a milí studenti,

toužíte po dobrodružství a po kvalitním vzdělání? Katedra architektury vám nabízí studium a exkluzivní smlouvu s Fakultou architektury a urbanismu, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, a to na jeden až dva semestry (všechny potřebné informace k podání vaší přihlášky prostřednictvím katedry najdete v příloze níže). Studium probíhá ve španělštině, zkouška z jazyka se však nevyžaduje.

Studium v Chile je na základě naší smlouvy zdarma.


Buena suerte,

Mikuláš Hulec

Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (uchile.cl)



Dear colleagues from our partner universities,

We are very pleased to announce the start of the nopmination and application process for the Exchange Program at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile, for our spring semester 2023 (July-December).

Online Nomination:

Step 1: The home institution must nominate its candidates through:


Online Application

Step 2: Once the candidates are nominated, we will send them an email directly for them to present their application through:



Documents Required:

Candidates must complete the application form, and on completion, attach the following documents (“.pdf” format):

– Personal statement (max. 500 words – Spanish or English))

– Copy of passport

– Official transcript of records (signed by the home institution)

– Digital photo (size 240×320 pixels, white and plain background, face frame only as passport photo coverage area, this document must be “.jpg” format, min. 1MB)

– Copy of certificate of proficiency in Spanish (OPTIONAL).


Nomination: April 16th – 2023

Application: April 23rd – 2023


Please find general information in the Information Sheet attached.